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At Young Engineers, we understand that every child has a different technique for learning and retaining information, yet we've found that making learning FUN is the lowest common denominator for successful education. We've meticulously generated hands-on curricula, combining education and entertainment, creating a unique “edutainment” method.


"P" Based Learning

Problem Based Learning: After the construction of a model, our Young Engineers instructors will ask the student to enhance their model in order to solve a given problem demonstrated in that lesson. 


Product Based Learning: Students build a product that demonstrates the scientific principles taught in that lesson.


Project Based Learning: Through planning and executing a project from start to finish, students develop their team-building and presentation skills. In addition, they will improve their organizational and time management abilities.

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Spiral Learning


Our instructors teach the principles and terms of a given lesson on a basic level. The next step of the spiral is introducing these principles in new contexts, and then greater depth with each step. This is found in every single Young Engineers lesson and curricula of each program. Beginning with basic building skills and engineering terms, we continually work to advance the lessons and skills. 


Academic Success



After extensive testing by the Center for Cooperative Advancement, statistics show that students participating in Young Engineers enrichment programs achieve higher grades in all science subjects taught in school. Our programs have proven to increase students’ concentration and creativity. Since inception of Young Engineers, there has been a rapid growth in global expansion. 

Scroll through our video channel below for a deeper look inside!

About Young Engineers

About Young Engineers

About Young Engineers
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About Young Engineers

About Young Engineers

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Bricks Challenge 2.0

Bricks Challenge 2.0

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Galileo Technic 2.0

Galileo Technic 2.0

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